Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm in LOVE

I've been on a bit of a budget lately, and shockingly doing pretty well, until the boyfriend wanted to visit his (fabulous) friend at Barney's. It happened, I fell in love... I'm a sucker for Marc J. and his gorgeous bags. I found one on SALE and in the perfect shape/size/color...

In comes all the justification...
'I've been doing really well on my budget, so I deserve it'
'I've been studying so hard for my CPA, so I deserve it'
'I've had my other bag for so long, it's time'
'It's on SALE for HOW MUCH?'

But, I was strong and let it stay.

Way to go, self.

Then, we end up going back into Barney's two weeks later. Initially I think - DANGER, remember you're will power, you're supposed to be saving up. But seriously, there is no way that bag is still in there.

BUT, IT'S STILL THERE! How can this be? Doesn't every other girl who walks through here swoon over it? Palms sweaty. Carry it around the store to 'see how it feels' (yeah right, you know you're already in love with that leather masterpiece).

And there you have it, I wasn't prepared to turn down this bag a second time. So, welcome the new Marc I snagged at half price (which makes it twice as fab, right?)....

I'm in love :)

1 comment:

  1. so cute!! is it green?? looks green in the pic.
