Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Love. Wear. Return.

Rent the Runway fixes the 'I have a closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear'. They provide girls with the dream closet- a new designer dress and jewels for every occasion.

I've been told about this company for some time now and finally had an occasion to use thier services. D's best friend's fancy engagement party (Congrats Nathan and Bekah!). The party was at a very nice restaurant in Dallas and seems like a great excuse to try out RTR.

I got online, selected the date I needed the dress, the occasion, price range, length and neckline preference. Picked a couple dresses (okay, maybe not a couple, more like 15 dresses), and got some feedback from my favorite girls at work.

This one was the winner:Price: This designer dress (normally out of my price range) rented for 4 days at $50 (8 day rentals are also available). The company includes insurance in the rental cost for those possible mishaps (i.e. wine spills, make-up smudges, etc.).

Size: Reviews from previous renters let you know if they felt the dress ran small/big/true to size to help you figure out what dress to get. The company will send you a second sizes for the same price in case you are worried about it being to big/small - great idea. The dress I rented was reviewed at 'true to size', so I ordered my usual size.

Receiving the dress: The package was delivered exactly when they said it would be. The dress was placed nicely on a hanger within a garmet bag, so I hung it up to let the wrinkles fall out before the party.

Extra goodies came with it: return instructions, the perfect fit kit (i.e. double sided tape), and make-up remover. Then, they send you a prepaid package to send the rented dress back in! Uh, genious.

The dress fit perfect thanks to the helpful reviews!
We were having so much fun we didn't really snap any pictures of the dress at the engagement party. Can you say party foul?

The return process was super easy since the package was provided. I just put the dress back on the hanger/garmet bag, into the package and to the nearest mail box on the return date. They take care of the washing.

I'll definately use this company again for my next special occasion.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I'm in LOVE

I've been on a bit of a budget lately, and shockingly doing pretty well, until the boyfriend wanted to visit his (fabulous) friend at Barney's. It happened, I fell in love... I'm a sucker for Marc J. and his gorgeous bags. I found one on SALE and in the perfect shape/size/color...

In comes all the justification...
'I've been doing really well on my budget, so I deserve it'
'I've been studying so hard for my CPA, so I deserve it'
'I've had my other bag for so long, it's time'
'It's on SALE for HOW MUCH?'

But, I was strong and let it stay.

Way to go, self.

Then, we end up going back into Barney's two weeks later. Initially I think - DANGER, remember you're will power, you're supposed to be saving up. But seriously, there is no way that bag is still in there.

BUT, IT'S STILL THERE! How can this be? Doesn't every other girl who walks through here swoon over it? Palms sweaty. Carry it around the store to 'see how it feels' (yeah right, you know you're already in love with that leather masterpiece).

And there you have it, I wasn't prepared to turn down this bag a second time. So, welcome the new Marc I snagged at half price (which makes it twice as fab, right?)....

I'm in love :)

Great Website

An awesome website that recommends books based on what books you have liked. Great starting point if you are looking for something new to read.

Happy Reading!

iPhone beautification

I currently own this little gem ...
Unfortuately, it looks like it has barely survived WWII. A little beaten and battered and doesn't exactly close anymore. It had a good run (just shy of a year). Provided great protection for my phone and stored all my normal wallet goods. Great gift idea.
However, it's time for a new phone cover.
I came across these cuties on Etsy.

I'm leaning towards this one...


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Addiction: Pinterest

If you haven't heard of pinterest yet, get ready to experience a new hidden online gem. I'm totally addicted.
Follow me here: Kate's Pinterest

Monday, June 6, 2011

Happy Monday

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
I sure did, it was my birthday! I'll post a recap later. But, for now, enjoy this random, quirky, awesome song.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Great Escape: Mexico

D and I jetted to Cancun for 6 days of sun, sand, and all-inclusive bliss. This is seriously the way to go. Once you get to the resort, you honestly don't need to spend a dime!We were lucky (quick) enough to nab a little cabana a couple of the days. We read and read and napped and played in the ocean and read and napped. JUST what we needed!

D was on a mission to find some cigars while we were there. We searched everywhere - in shabby little shacks, a really odd mini mall and finally found the mecca. La Casa del Habano
I was loving the mojito's while D was in Heaven with his cigars.

D had talked about going to Chichen Itza since the day we booked our trip. He was so excited about it, but to be honest I had to do a little googling to figure out what this fuss was about (and, to make sure my bf didn't think I was totally clueless). Turns out its one of the 7 wonders of the world! These mayan ruins were amazing to see and the stories our tour guide told us were incredibly interesting since we were standing there where many years ago these actual events took place. I highly suggest a day trip if you're able. The excursion included a trip to a Cenote (sinkhole) that was the mayans only source of water. The mayans believed that when a person swam in the Cenote their soul was cleansed. It's worth a try!

From the top, just a big, scary, creepy hole in the ground. But, below...

Peaceful, chilly and not creepy at all!

Then, off to the ruins...
During the Equinox the sunlight creates an image of a snake on the temple. We weren't there for it, but I'm sure it would have been such a cool thing to experience.
This place was HUGE and it was an unbelievably hot day. But, I have to say, all that was totally worth the day trip to see this wonder!

Such a great trip!

Total Blog Neglect

It has been a busy couple of months. Between new projects at work, CPA exams, my wonderful boyfriend, friends, traveling and whatever else life tends to throw at you, I have not made a post in so long! I'd like to commit to making a post once a week, because, well, it makes me happy.It's as simple as that.